WG4: Knowledge transfer, dissemination, WG's support and evaluation
WG4 aims to facilitate the exchange of information within/from the other WGs to across-borders and application of networking tools.
T4.1 Management assistance, by helping the consorptium in the organisation of WGs meetings, staff mobility (STMs), joint research activities, papers, participation in congress/seminars/workshops, among others consortium activities.
T4.2 Implementation of web collaborative/professional platforms: Dropbox, LinkedIn and ResearchGate.
T4.3 Implementation of web and Facebook pages.
T4.4 Dissemination of FUR4Sustain main results and achievements: press releases, pod-cast videos, among others.
T4.5 Evaluation and mentoring support. Evolution of the Action progress according to the specific WGs’ objectives and support new activities to continuously excellence. Also, reporting of WGs activities.