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FUR4Sustain Nice meeting/Final Conference (Nice 2024)

  /    /  FUR4Sustain Nice meeting/Final Conference (Nice 2024)

Round table discussions on Zoom breakout rooms

TABLE 1: Monomers from WG1 to WG2 by Santiago Luis


1) What monomers would be appropriate for developing crosslinked materials for coating industry? What structural features would they have to have?
2) What innovative furan monomers would it be interesting to develop for thermoplastics such as polyesters development? And for polyamides?
3) What other furan chemicals can WG1 already synthesise and provide to WG2 (additives like e.g. plasticizer, nucleating agent, reinforcement, core-shell agents?
4) What furan monomers/chemicals do WG1 members can already provide to WG2?

TABLE 2 – thermoplastics by Nadia Lotti (discussion leader of Table 2.1) & by Noelle Billon (discussion leader of Table 2.2)


1) What characteristics (properties….costs….) do our thermoplastic polymers have to meet to be suitable for fibre applications? Do we already have this kind of polymers? What’s needed? What specialised processing & characterisations shell be done? Use theoretical studies to preview/understand properties? What expertise do we have in the consortium?
2) What characteristics (properties….costs….) do our polymers have to meet to be suitable for food packaging applications, rigid (beverage bottles) or flexible (films for vegetable, meat, fish)?
What specialised characterisations shell be done?
Use theoretical studies to preview/understand properties?
What expertise do we have in the consortium?

TABLE 3: Coatings by Toine Biemens


1) What characteristics do our polymers have to meet to be suitable for coatings applications?
2) Formulations?
3) Characterisations?
4) Costs?

TABLE 4: Composites and other furan materials by Daniela Plachá


1) Composites and hybrid materials? What can be done involving furan polymers?
2) What kind of polymers can WG2 members supply to other WG2 members to prepare composites or hybrids?
3) Characterisations?
4) Costs? Expectations…

TABLE 5: Sustainable synthesis by Katja Loos


1) Are there any ‘green’ catalysts that WG1 could provide to WG2 to synthesise polyesters or other polymers?
2) What (more) sustainable approaches can/could be used to synthesise furan polymers (polyesters, polyamides, poly(ester-amides), etc)?

TABLE 6 (new horizons and brainstorming): WG2 (Nathanael Guigo)

1) What could be new/innovative applications for furan based polymer other than food packaging or fibres (like i.e. in pharmaceutical industry, automotive, agrotech/biotech, building/isolation, niche market, others)?
2) How the peculiarities of the furan moieties could be exploited to design new combinations (with e.g. other aromatic or aliphatic polymers) or macromolecular structures?
3) Which strategies for scaling-up monomers/polymers for material production? How furanics could be employed for additive manufacturing, etc.?

TABLE 7: WG3 Internal discussion (Tobias Stern)

Additional Questions FOR all ROUND TABLES:

AIM: Identify small mini-projects for setting up the bases of 1 or 2 papers per mini project.


Identify small mini-projects within inter-/intra-WGs, such as:
1) What samples & data can be exchanged?
2) Who? Plans for people exchange through STSMs (Short Term Scientific Missions) grants?


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University Of Aveiro